Month: June 2015

  • There is no substitute for hard work.

    Every year during the week of July 4th I am reminded of my time, many years ago, on a Coors beer truck.  Working as a college helper during the summer months, the week leading up to the 4th was always the biggest and largest week of the year. We had one brand and five SKUs.  […]

  • Time is the longest distance between two places…

    In 1975, Coors Brewing Co. felt it was time to enlarge its footprint and start expanding.  At this point in history, the last time Coors had expanded was in 1966 with their move into the remainder of north and west Texas, thus putting them in 10 states and half of Texas. In some ways, Coors […]

  • Hops in a box….

    Historically, the success of any brand of beer or brewery has been relative to its market share.  Market share size was the true measure of a brand’s strength.  While it market share is still discussed and used, it is no longer considered the main matrix, especially in the craft segment. As mentioned in previous posts, in […]

  • A long and winding road…

    By the mid-1990s, the success of New Belgium was permeating the beer industry.  At the time the beer was sold only in Colorado, but sales in Arizona were forthcoming.  New Belgium’s distribution model was to appoint wine and spirit houses on a statewide basis.  To manage their sales, they outsourced that function using a broker in Denver. In […]

  • Mass, margins, momentum….

    In the decades before the term line extensions entered the beer language, brewers focused on the handful of segments which drew consumer interest. Beside the premium domestic segment, there were popular priced beers dominated by local regionals. On a national basis, however, Old Milwaukee was the leader, followed by Busch in second place.  Miller introduced […]