Month: March 2016

  • If it looks like beer, smells like beer, and tastes like beer, than it is probably beer!

    The statistics for 2015 craft sales have been released and there are really no surprises. Volume for the craft segment is now at 12% of the US market, a 13% increase over 2014, which translated to 24.5 million bbls and $22.3 billion.  A nice increase over 2014 numbers which were 19% of the total dollars […]

  • Nothing is original, except what is forgotten…

    There were times years ago that beer company route salesman played rough games with each other’s products.  Many decades ago I can recall when the beer in my long neck bottles had gone flat even though the beer was fresh and had been refrigerated.  Upon inspection, one could see that the crowns had been cracked […]

  • When you lose you are in a no win situation..

    About 16 years ago, while Glazers was building their craft and import business, an effort was made to gain statewide distribution rights to a small but successful craft brewery located in Blanco, Texas.  At the time, Real Ale Brewing Co., which was brewing in the basement of an old building in this small town, sold […]

  • Everything is in a state of flux, including the status quo.

    The US is in the mist of one of the most important Presidential elections of our time and next week should end any speculation as to who will be the Republican and Democratic nominees.   This election will certainly dominate all forms of media thru November and into next year. During the race for the White […]

  • Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

    Modelo’s rise started in the early 1980s at the same time that two key strategic decisions were made by the company.  The first decision was to go to the clear bottle, still used today, and the second decision was to create two importers: Gambrinus, located in San Antonio and designed to serve the eastern half […]